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dude i bought this game and it wont even launch,


Where are santa corps 1, 2 and 3?

can i play with a ps5 controller?

Hey! The game officially supports Xbox controllers, but should be compatible with most standard gamepads - just note that on screen button prompts will display Xbox pad symbols.



What an interesting game... I've never played a game like it! Very fun, although a controller is required (which it might be for the best, since analog control is probably needed for this game!) Works great on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon through Proton, though I needed to enable Steam Input to get my Dualshock 4 controller to work. This is a fantastic game, but there's one thing to mention: the camera can be a bit... wonky sometimes. I do wish that you could use the right stick to change the field of view of the camera...


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed, and were able to get it running on Linux - we'll look into adding FOV options in a later update.

(1 edit)

*Update* It works with a controller. I guess it's required, didn't realize that. Also, I feel like I just took a hit of cocaine, wow this game is fast.

I just bought this game and would like to play, but I think I am running into a bug where no input is accepted at the "New Game" screen. I get past the "Press Anything" prompt at the beginning, I hear 2 beeps, then no input works. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for trying the game! Yes, gamepads are required - we'll add a notice on the main page. Can you list the exact model of your controller for us to look into? In the meantime, try rebooting your computer with the controller unplugged, and plugging the controller in before launching the game. -E


Cool ass game, it made me feel like I'm playing cs surf again. I would love to see a similar project with the same mechanics but without the christams aesthetic, more like JSRF or BRC. Still i love it it's so pretty.

The only issue that i can see is that sometimes when you crush into a wall you get stuck for a few sec, and it really kills the idea of this fast-paced game, and some ramps are also a lil buggy.

Love the game keep up the good work!! :)

Glad you enjoyed! We'll have info on multiple equally stylish non-Christmas themed games in the near future, so stay tuned - thanks for playing!


it looks cool and pretty 

Much appreciated, thank you!




Looks awesome! Im very impressed by the idea, and the  artworks are amazing. Thanks for creating such interesting experience :D

Looking forward to play this game, keep it up <3